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Software oditum respeca singulorum qui sites nostras visite. Statement privacy iudicium of normas et condicionibus sub quo Software tutiatur privatas informationes suppeditatas visitatoribus ad sites in World Wide Web quod sunt possidetur et actus a Software, includens Software et Software. Statement privacy iudicium of information collection nostrorum usus informationes tua possint esse. Hoc iudicium potest mutare ex tempore, ita perconta periodiczari ad revise huiusmodi informationem.

A. Personally-Identifiable Information:

Le Software typically recipit specific data about ses website visitants only quando tali information es provide volontarie, talis quando nostre visitants request information, achete o inscri in services, open un customer support inquiry ticket, provide resume information pro employment opportunitates, o send nos e-mail. Certemente, alcun de iste activitates require que tu da nos information, talis quando tu face un purchase, usa un credit card pro pagar pro services, submit tu resume, o request certe types de information. Quando tu provide personally-identifiable information a Le Software through un de nostre websites, lo essera usate pro complir tu specific request. In le plure de casos, tu essera dato le opportunitate de seliger si tu vole, o non vole, que Le Software usa iste information pro additional propositos. Le Software reserva le derecto, in su discretion, de send te bulletins e altere information importante concernente tu Le Software services. Absent qualcunque instructions ex te, Le Software pote usar information que tu provide pro informar te super additional services e productos offerite per le Le Software familia de companies, le Le Software authorized agentes, e altere providers de benes e services con qui Le Software ha relationes e cuje offerentias pote esser de interesse pro te.

B. Non Personally-Identifiable (Generic) Information:

In general, The Software gathers some generic information automatically. Generic information does not reveal the identity of the visitor. It usually includes information about the Internet address assigned to your computer, the number and frequency of visitors, and the The Software sites visited. The Software gathers this information for the limited purpose of determining customer service and website needs. We accomplish this by using certain technologies, including “cookies” (a technology that can be used to provide the visitor with tailored information about The Software services). The Software does not combine information collected in this way with any personally-identifiable information. You can set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie and you can refuse it.

C. Tuum Placuit Software hosted website, server, tabulae, forum, Tertius-Party Locis:

Informatio que tu divulgad in uno spatio publico, includente in ullo tabula ad bulletin, camera de chat, o website pro to Software que il poter hospitar pro to servicis, es disponibile a ulle altere qui visitat illo spatio. To Software non pote proteger ullo information que tu divulga in iste locos. Etiam, to websites de Software contine ligamines a sites que appartine a tertie partes non relate a to Software. To Software non pote proteger ullo information que tu pote divulgar in iste sites e recommenda que tu revisa le declarationes de politica de privacitate de ille sites que tu visitat.

D.Exceptions et Limitationes: